World Mind Sports Council logo

design chosen by Professor Marek Kasperski

The World Mind Sports Logo Explained

Tony Buzan loved anything that had multiple interpretations woven into one image. The World Mind Sports Council logo perfectly exemplifies these multiple interpretations.

The Brain

A vector interpretation of the brain with the right and left hemispheres clearly defined. Tony was impressed with the two hemispheres working together to create something special: imagination, associations, and creativity. This is a great example of synergy.


Within the brain is a network of connections, representing the connectivity of the brain.


These connections represent the branches of a tree, which is also the inspiration for the branches of a Mind Map.


At the centre of the brain, logo is light. This light represents several things:

    • The galaxies.
    • Thought (lightbulb moment).
    • The Olympic torch represents competition at the highest level.

Mind Mapping

The branches and linking of ideas.